SCARIA THOMAS    Posted on:  24/10/2015    Viewer: 5685

My Challenge

                                                     A TRUE STORY

Shivam, a boy studying in Std.VI,  was once found beating  his class mate badly with his belt during the recess time at the school.  He was caught and brought to the Vice principal.  There were severe bruising on the body of the child beaten. His parents were called. Shivam’s parents were also called.  When the case was brought to the   knowledge of the Principal with a recommendation of suspension of Shivam, he called Shivam and  tried to find out the past record and the  family background of the child.  The principal was informed by Shivam’s teachers that he was a very good student till grade  III and there after the boy lost interest in his studies.  He also started behaving  unruly in the class with his class mates.

When further enquired with his mother when she came to the school, it was learned that Shivam  lost his father in an accident when he was studying  in std.III and he belonged to a poor family where his father was the only bread earner. He has a small sister  too. The mother is hardly a matriculate  in her education and a house wife. After the death of  his father, the family was thrown out from his late father’s house which belonged  to Shivam’s  grand parents. 

Shivam’s young mother with the both the children, went to her parents house. They were not at all well to do in their daily chores of  life. His mother  found it very hard to meet  both the ends of  life. It was very difficult for her to meet with school fees and other expenses as her husband’s family did not help her. She took up a petty job in a hospital. The job demanded long hours of work. When she returned home, as she was too tired and  could not give any personal attention to her children. On the contrary, she used to be very angry and  started scolding the children badly, beating them up some time .  Slowly, the scolding and beating the elder one Shivam became a daily affair.  As a result, the boy  failed to complete his home work many of the days. His grade in the assessment slid from a  A  to D and some time E.

Frequently, the mother was called to the school. He was severely beaten up at home  for the poor performance. Shivam started taking out his anger with his younger sister, beating  her whenever he gets a chance.  The life of Shivaam became very aggressive and undisciplined,  creating lot of problems for his  mother at home and at school.

However, learning the hard story of  Sivam, the Principal  took a soft stand  and  pardoned him. He told him lovingly not to repeat such an act and to meet Principal  everyday thereafter  to give him a feeling of personal touch. Principal told him to take up his study seriously and  gave  him a new pen.

The principal also took a promise from the mother that she would never beat him again, and in case of any mischief done by Shivam at home , she was to phone to the principal as he gave her his personal phone number .

The mother left with a great sigh of relief. The days passed by.  Shivam kept visiting the principal daily during his recess time. He encouraged him to do better and  instructed his teachers to pay personal attention to him.  Shivam started showing the signs of improvement. Over a period of time he started doing much better in his studies and sports as well.

Next time when his mother visited the school for parents meeting the Principal  could notice much change in the tone and the face of the mother.  She became very happy and stopped any kind of physical punishment to the children. At the annual examination that year Shivam  was promoted to the next class with a higher grade from D to C. Now he his doing very well in the school as well as at home.  Never again the teachers have reported any misbehavior of  Shivam.

From this real story of Shivam we can learn that the children who misbehave in the class are mostly from the families where there are serious problems that affect the emotional life and the personality of the children. Therefore their performance in the school  goes down.

In a pilot study made through the questionnaire survey with a group of  80 students of  D grade academic performance out of 500 students it was found that 24 of the students were daily beaten up by the parents.  22 of them were given physical punishment once in week. 14 of them received physical beating once in a moth. 12 of them received spanking once in a while but more  frequent scolding was reported.    8 of the students were never given any punishment or scolding and were found to over pampered and study was not given its due importance by the parents. Many of them were single children at home and live with all the luxuries.

                                                     A TRUE STORY

Shivam, a boy studying in Std.VI,  was once found beating  his class mate badly with his belt during the recess time at the school.  He was caught and brought to the Vice principal.  There were severe bruising on the body of the child beaten. His parents were called. Shivam’s parents were also called.  When the case was brought to the   knowledge of the Principal with a recommendation of suspension of Shivam, he called Shivam and  tried to find out the past record and the  family background of the child.  The principal was informed by Shivam’s teachers that he was a very good student till grade  III and there after the boy lost interest in his studies.  He also started behaving  unruly in the class with his class mates.

When further enquired with his mother when she came to the school, it was learned that Shivam  lost his father in an accident when he was studying  in std.III and he belonged to a poor family where his father was the only bread earner. He has a small sister  too. The mother is hardly a matriculate  in her education and a house wife. After the death of  his father, the family was thrown out from his late father’s house which belonged  to Shivam’s  grand parents. 

Shivam’s young mother with the both the children, went to her parents house. They were not at all well to do in their daily chores of  life. His mother  found it very hard to meet  both the ends of  life. It was very difficult for her to meet with school fees and other expenses as her husband’s family did not help her. She took up a petty job in a hospital. The job demanded long hours of work. When she returned home, as she was too tired and  could not give any personal attention to her children. On the contrary, she used to be very angry and  started scolding the children badly, beating them up some time .  Slowly, the scolding and beating the elder one Shivam became a daily affair.  As a result, the boy  failed to complete his home work many of the days. His grade in the assessment slid from a  A  to D and some time E.

Frequently, the mother was called to the school. He was severely beaten up at home  for the poor performance. Shivam started taking out his anger with his younger sister, beating  her whenever he gets a chance.  The life of Shivaam became very aggressive and undisciplined,  creating lot of problems for his  mother at home and at school.

However, learning the hard story of  Sivam, the Principal  took a soft stand  and  pardoned him. He told him lovingly not to repeat such an act and to meet Principal  everyday thereafter  to give him a feeling of personal touch. Principal told him to take up his study seriously and  gave  him a new pen.

The principal also took a promise from the mother that she would never beat him again, and in case of any mischief done by Shivam at home , she was to phone to the principal as he gave her his personal phone number .

The mother left with a great sigh of relief. The days passed by.  Shivam kept visiting the principal daily during his recess time. He encouraged him to do better and  instructed his teachers to pay personal attention to him.  Shivam started showing the signs of improvement. Over a period of time he started doing much better in his studies and sports as well.

Next time when his mother visited the school for parents meeting the Principal  could notice much change in the tone and the face of the mother.  She became very happy and stopped any kind of physical punishment to the children. At the annual examination that year Shivam  was promoted to the next class with a higher grade from D to C. Now he his doing very well in the school as well as at home.  Never again the teachers have reported any misbehavior of  Shivam.

From this real story of Shivam we can learn that the children who misbehave in the class are mostly from the families where there are serious problems that affect the emotional life and the personality of the children. Therefore their performance in the school  goes down.

In a pilot study made through the questionnaire survey with a group of  80 students of  D grade academic performance out of 500 students it was found that 24 of the students were daily beaten up by the parents.  22 of them were given physical punishment once in week. 14 of them received physical beating once in a moth. 12 of them received spanking once in a while but more  frequent scolding was reported.    8 of the students were never given any punishment or scolding and were found to over pampered and study was not given its due importance by the parents. Many of them were single children at home and live with all the luxuries.



Strategy Challenge




What is the final take away




3397 days ago

a real psychological disorder story handled by an expert principal